Cyprus Police

Talent undertakes to install its calnav Fleet Management and Call Dispatching system to Cyprus Police.

Archaeological Society at Athens

Talent in collaboration with AMS undertakes the implementation of the Digital Archiving System and interactive presentation applications for the Archaeological Society at Athens.

CTI Diofantus

Talent in collaboration with Korymvos S.A. and AMPlus S.A. undertakes the implementation of a Simulation-based Game regarding the Internet-Security for Gymnasium students, on behalf of CTI-Diofantus.

Gennadius Library

Talent undertakes the implementation of the Digital Archiving System and interactive presentation applications for the Gennadius Library.

Writing History Series

Talent undertakes the production of a series of episodes of the “γράφω eστορία” TV production on behalf of the New Hellenic Radio Internet Television (NERIT).

Greek Biotope/Wetland Center

Talent undertakes the implementation of the geoinformation system of the Greek Biotope/Wetland Center. The system will support the visualization and general manipulation of the geo-datasets of the Greek Biotope/Wetland Center, in compliance with the INSPIRE directive.

Educational Simulations System

Talent undertakes the implementation of an information system for the creation delivery of educational simulations over the web. The project is implemented on behalf of the University of Thessaly.


Talent initiates MC-Squared a new EC-funded R&D project that will provide learning tools that foster creativity. The project is developed in collaboration with Computer Technology Institute & Press Diophantus, the Universiteit of Utrecht, the Institute of Education of the University of London, the Universitat de Barcelona, the Univestite Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, the Martin Luther Universitaet, the Aristod, and Testaluna SRL.

Cultural Navigator of Athens

Talent initates the development of the Cultural Navigator of Athens, an electronic guide for smartphones and tablets for the history and civilization of the city of Athens. The project is developed on behalf of the Foundation of the Hellenic World.

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