Talent initiates Geostream a new EC-funded R&D project that will provide tools for a) smart data mining and fusion for User-Generated Geocontent existing on the Web b) Web-based geospatial content authoring tools for these data and c) means to publish such content and provide related services on the Web as well as on mobile devices. The project […]
Full-fledged Installation of Forest Fire Risk Management System
Talent to install a full-fledged Forest Fire Risk Management System in Semey Ormany, Kazakhstan, in collaboration with AerAnT, Kazakhstan. The system involves a central server with mapping and simulation software and mobile clients, configured to collect and process input over a wireless network from a) rover vehicles, b) meteorologicsl stations and c) from a network of forest […]
Pilot Installation of Forest Fire Risk Management System
Talent installs a pilot Forest Fire Risk Management System in Semey Ormany, Kazakhstan, in collaboration with General Security Installation Kazakhstan.
Snappcar adopts Call&Nav
Snappcar Inc adopts a Call Dispatching solution for Livery Car Services in the New York city area, based on Talent Call&Nav.
Tele-health solutions
Talent initiates the development of tele-health solutions including tele-diagnosis and remote health care from remote experts.
Travel Agent
Talent initiates interactive Travel Agent, a new two-year R&D project co-funding project from GSRT, regarding the development of a touristic guide for Android mobile devices by utilizing interactive maps and augmented reality techniques.
Gan Direct adopts Call&Nav
Gan Direct adopts Talent Call&Nav to serve the automated call dispatching of the calls from their clients.
Talent initiates a new two-year R&D project, SimpleFleet, for co-developing a “Traffic Intelligence” framework for mobile web-based fleet management applications, in collaboration with Athena IMIS, Institute for Traffic Research, German Aerospace Center and WiGeoGIS.
Ancient Agora
Talent implements the new portal of the Ancient Agora on behalf of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Co-development of educational sailing tool
Talent wins a research / co-funding project from GSRT for co-developing an educational sailing tool, in collaboration with Postscriptum, Valkaniki Naytiliaki and the University of Athens.